City Rail Link

Newsletter - November 2020

Newsletter - November 2020

More Hoarding Art

Jon Tootill's artwork titled Kākāpo on Albert Street.

Jon Tootill's artwork titled Kākāpo on Albert Street.

As more long-term construction hoardings pop up around the City Rail Link sites, so too does beautiful art alongside project and local business information. 

Aotea Station’s latest hoardings feature the art of Jon Tootill – a painter of Ngāi Tahu and British ancestry. Tootill’s visual vocabulary, most especially paintings of recent years, can be seen as being informed by graphic design and his background as a commercial artist.

The title of the artwork on the hoarding in front of Sierra Cafe near the Huawei Centre, is Kākāpo, or Night Parrot. This suggests a playfulness with the colour and patterns that have their genesis in raranga (weaving/plating), tukutuku (wall panel weaving) and whakairo (carving).

Nicole Lawton