City Rail Link

Newsletter - November 2020

Newsletter - November 2020

CRL Finalist In Social Impact Award


City Rail Link has this month had the honour of being chosen as a finalist for the Social Impact Award at the ReBuilding Nations infrastructure New Zealand conference.

The entry was based on the CRL Social Outcomes team’s Progressive Employment Programme – which provides employment opportunities to disadvantaged Māori and Pasifika youth. 

The above short video was created as part of the awards submission.

The award went to another highly deserving scheme - the Hamilton City Council’s Te Awa River Path Project which repaired and restored a 2.4km section of path which runs along the Waikato River, while creating employment for 50 people who had lost jobs due to COVID19 - but the CRL team were still very proud to have been recognised for its efforts in the social outcomes space.

CRL Chief Executive, Dr Sean Sweeney said, “We were up against three other very strong contenders. Sadly, we didn’t win but just making the final was a great achievement.”

“The programme is about making lives better. Well done and thank you to all those who support it – especially the CRL Social Outcomes team.”

Nicole Lawton