City Rail Link

Newsletter - September 2020

Newsletter - September 2020

Faces of the CRL – Lisa Pilot

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Delivering the country’s largest infrastructure project takes some seriously talented people, so in this section “Faces of the CRL” we interview some of City Rail Link’s best and brightest. This month we turn the spotlight on Lisa Pilot, the CRL representative behind our works at the Ōtāhuhu Station. 

Name: Lisa Pilot

Age: 32

Suburb: Saint Marys Bay

How long have you been working with City Rail Link?  Since August 2019

What is your role?  CRL Ltd Project Manager for C8 Ōtāhuhu

How do you do it? My role is just as much about project management as it is about communication and stakeholders. Building strong working relationships and open communication channels has been key to successful outcomes on this project. There are so many different pressures in a complex project such as CRL and C8 Ōtāhuhu has been no exception! We wouldn’t get very far without strong collaboration and communication. I am proud to be part of a great team at CRL that demonstrates these values every day.

What do you enjoy most about your job? It’s hard not to get excited about rail, trains and tunnels once you get up close and personal and I’m so grateful for the experience to be part of NZ’s biggest transport infrastructure project ever…but the real kick I get out of my job is working with such a hugely diverse set of people. CRL gives me the opportunity to manage complex stakeholder situations, problem solve, and achieve tangible outcomes every day. On such an important high-profile project, every decision and output matters. So feeling like you are achieving something every day is really satisfying and never boring.

What is the most challenging part?  What I enjoy most – Managing complex stakeholder situations - is also the most challenging at times. The C8 Ōtāhuhu Project has had its fair share of stakeholder and site issues to work through. For most of the duration of the project the two main contractors (Rail and Station works) were overlapping and interfacing both on their physical sites and overall programme. Plus their main site access was via the busy live bus and train station at Ōtāhuhu which presents its own risks and restrictions. Navigating the difficult site, programme, and access constraints, between multiple parties was often incredibly challenging but also the most rewarding when you find a joint way forward.

What have been some of your previous jobs? Delivering school redevelopment projects and new school builds for the Ministry of Education and working for a small consulting firm providing planning, risk and sustainability services to utilities companies and councils.

Do you have any hobbies outside work?  Fitness, Food, Culture and everything that goes in those categories.

What are you looking forward to most about when the CRL is complete? Other than finally jumping on that new train route? Definitely looking forward to seeing all the million different components that we’ve all been working so hard on come together as the final output… and of course celebrating this with all of the team!

Nicole Lawton