City Rail Link

NEWS - JUNE 2019

News - June 2019

Meet our neighbour


City Convenience at 103 Albert St

We’d like to introduce you to CRL neighbour, Richard Choi – who has owned the City Convenience store at 103 Albert St for over nine years.

Richard and his wife Jennifer moved to Auckland from Seoul, Korea 20 years ago to build a life and raise their family.

He reflected on what it was like living in Seoul during development of underground railway tunnels in the 1970s – particularly the challenge for businesses around those works. Richard considers that it will always be challenging for existing businesses when there is large scale infrastructure development in an already built up city.

 “The City Rail Link will be very important for Auckland once it’s complete, and it will be great having a new train station right by our front door. However, it’s been really hard to keep going without enough customers coming in.”

“We want everyone to know we are still open for business behind the construction fencing, and still have all of the same goods on offer.”

City Convenience has many of the items you’d expect – everything from snacks to household products, to drinks, or a cheeky chocolate bar.

The store is located between the Auckland Council building and the AA, and is open week days from 7am to 10pm and weekends from 10am to 9pm.

Nigel Horrocks