City Rail Link

Newsletter - May 2021

Newsletter - May 2021

Nice Mussels, Waitematā!


A shell-shocking natural innovation has just been installed as part of neighbouring project, the downtown programme.

On May 20, divers attached the first of 38 seeded mussel lines to the underside of Te Wānanga, the new public space which reaches out over the water in Quay Street, opening soon.

Once all 600 metres of rope, laden with mussels, are anchored in place, the kūtai / mussels will provide a truly living and organic connection between the city and the Waitematā harbour.

While not destined for the table, each mature mussel will filter up to 150 to 200 litres of seawater a day taking in phytoplankton for nourishment as well as removing pollutants and acting as bio-indicators of aquatic health in the inner harbour.

The initiative was delivered as part a design partnership between Mana whenua, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport.

To find out more click here.

Nigel Horrocks